Preaching the Gospel in Lowertown Saint Paul
“It was St Philip’s object, instead of imposing laws on his disciples, to mould them, as far as might be, into living laws, or, in the words of Scripture, to write the law on their hearts.”
—St. John Henry Newman
We aspire to be a spiritual, cultural, intellectual, liturgical, and evangelical hub for local Catholics seeking a deeper engagement with the Gospel.
Encountering the Beauty of Jesus Christ
Through sacred liturgy, engagement with the Scriptures, and robust community life, we seek to establish the conditions for a deeper knowledge and love of God.
Support Our Mission
We can only pursue our goals with the help of friends. Please pray for us and consider supporting the Oratory project with an individual or recurring donation.

“It is an old custom of the servants of God to have some little prayer ready and to be frequently darting them up to heaven during the day.”
— St. Philip Neri